Speak Robert one wand.jpg

Laura Malacart’s practice uses video, multi-media installation and participatory performance to explore contemporary questions concerning power and ethics.

Projects evolves from research and collaborations and aesthetic practice becomes a pleasurable and engaging way to celebrate overlooked histories, unthink ourselves out of oppressive ways, and experience the interconnectedness that binds the planet.

Malacart has engaged with audiences in international museums, institutions and non-art spaces. Collaborative Toponymy is a recent commission that co-created all the street names for a new town to be built in Essex. The Little Book of Answers delved into the praxis of citizenship, or ‘naturalisation’, and taught people to memorize the Answers of the UK citizenship test through movement…

The liminal, borderline or off-centre are interesting positions to enquire from; to explore their creative and communicative potential she curates an experimental project space on a balcony in the South of Italy (@thebalconyprojectceglie).

She exhibited at Tate Modern, the Venice Biennale, Turner Contemporary, the London Science Museum, Haroldo Conte Museum in Buenos Aires, La Casa degli Artisti in Milan, and in public and non art spaces.

Laura Malacart holds a PhD in Fine Art on the voice conceived as ‘ventriloquisms’, an MA in Fine Photography and a First Class degree in Fine Art. She is a first generation immigrant to the UK.